
Autoimmunity is a growing problem due to multiple factors including environmental toxins, gut issues, and genetic predisposition. In order to address autoimmunity, we need to address the underlying reasons that are affecting your body's immune system to help it rebalance.

A few of the things we look at are:

  • Nutrient Deficiency

  • Food sensitivities

  • Heavy metal toxicity

  • Environmental and food toxins such as pesticides

  • Genetic factors

  • Gut health and autoimmune and immune triggers in the gut, such as infection

Through personalized assessment, we come up with a plan to support your body so it can come back into balance.

Did you know having one autoimmune condition makes you more likely to be diagnosed with more autoimmune conditions?

Autoimmunity is a cascade. If it is not addressed, it will continue and you have increased chances of getting other autoimmune conditions.  The goal in our work is to help arrest this progression and help your immune system calm down and stop marking your own systems as invaders.

Learn more about addressing autoimmunity